Benefits of Frequent Ejaculation

The Bible has much to say about healthy habits and taking care of our bodies as the temple of the Spirit. Well, it turns out some marital advice, or rather admonitions, given by Paul in 1st Corinthians, chapter 7, have health benefits as well—for men at least.

In 1 Corinthians 7:3, 5 Paul wrote,

A husband should give to his wife her sexual rights, and likewise a wife to her husband… Do not deprive each other, except by mutual agreement for a specified time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then resume your relationship, so that Satan may not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.

While the intent of the verse is not medical advice, it turns out that heeding this marital advice yields physical benefits as well! A Harvard study from 2019 was published that found that:

“Compared to men who reported 4–7 ejaculations per month across their lifetimes, men who ejaculated 21 or more times a month enjoyed a 31% lower risk of prostate cancer.  The results held up to rigorous evaluation even after other lifestyle factors and the frequency of PSA testing were taken into account.”

Included in the article were findings from a similar study in Australia that found:

“The effect was strongest for the frequency of ejaculations in young adulthood, even though prostate cancer was not diagnosed until many decades later. Even so, the apparent protection extended to all age groups. Men who averaged 4.6–7 ejaculations a week were 36% less likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer before the age of 70 than men who ejaculated less than 2.3 times a week on average.”

So, married couples, I suggest we all take Paul’s admonition to heart and have sexual activity leading to ejaculation at least 21 times a month! For those who are single, you can continue to protect your health by lowering the risk of this cancer through masturbating 4 – 5 times a week (for medical reasons)! And we need to dispel the myth our young people are taught that says masturbation is evil and sinful. The Bible never addresses the subject, and we should want them to lead healthy lives.

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15 replies
  1. MarriedtoaHotBabe says:

    Not a problem here. 21 ejaculations or more per month is pretty normal for me. At least 10-15 of those would be by my wife and the others by my own hand.

  2. SecondMarge says:

    WebMD has the following to say: “There’s no proof that ejaculating more actually causes lower chances of prostate cancer. For now, doctors just know they’re connected. It may be that men who do it more tend to have other healthy habits that are lowering their odds.
    Ejaculation doesn’t seem to protect against the most deadly or advanced types of prostate cancer. Experts don’t know why.
    Scientists don’t know if ejaculation during sex vs. masturbation has the same benefits. Some research has found that the makeup of semen is different for each. For example, semen during sex has higher levels of sperm and some chemicals. It’s possible that these could make a difference in a man’s odds of having prostate cancer.
    Not all studies have found a benefit. The 2016 study got attention because of its size (almost 32,000 men) and length (18 years). But some smaller studies have not shown the same good results. A few even found that some men, specifically younger men, who masturbated more had slightly higher chances of prostate cancer. Some researchers wonder if a man’s age may affect whether more ejaculation helps.”

    I find interesting that a man’s ejaculate is different for intercourse than masturbating.

    I wonder if there are similar health benefits for women? I better catch up to my quota for May, I must be behind pace.

    • Bighuged says:

      Really interesting second marge! That might mean as a single man I’ve never had the opportunity to shoot my intercourse semen ? one of these days tho lol. And do you actually have a quota for the month? How often do you get off?

    • SecondMarge says:

      I wonder if the ejaculate tastes different? I’ve heard of men thinking with their little head but I never knew their junk knew to make different stuff when masturbating and save the little guys for intercourse.

      No quota. I have been all over the place between none at all and some horny times. Then none at all while mourning. I’m starting again, no partner for now. But if there was a study that showed I would be healthier If I pleasured myself twice a day I might make an effort to reach the

      When growing up I thought only guys did that. Now I read plenty of busy gals here. I have a friend that is under stay at home and says she masturbates 3 times most days.

      May I ask when you masturbate do you ever stop before you ejaculate? Or always continue until you cum. Sometimes I find myself just touching sensitive parts of my body while reading or watching TV but I don’t make a real attempt to climax.

    • CrazyHappyLoved says:

      *Sigh* I searched diligently for a study on how female masturbation correlates to any measure of physical or mental health. Most seem to focus on orgasm's role in a woman's satisfaction in partnered sex. The best I could find was one about vibrator use among women that found: "Vibrator use was significantly related to several aspects of sexual function (i.e., desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm, pain, overall function) with recent vibrator users scoring higher on most sexual function domains, indicating more positive sexual function. Most women (71.5%) reported having never experienced genital symptoms associated with vibrator use." But it looked at vibrator use during masturbation *and* partnered sex, not specifically solo action, and didn't relate whether the use was to orgasm or not. (Herbenick D, Reece M, Sanders S, Dodge B, Ghassemi A, Fortenberry JD. Prevalence and characteristics of vibrator use by women in the United States: results from a nationally representative study. J Sex Med. 2009;6(7):1857‐1866. doi:10.1111/j.1743-6109.2009.01318.x)

      I'd sure sign up for a study to find out if one or two female orgasms a day affected any health parameters. Maybe I'll start a small-scale study of my own, cohort of one!

    • SecondMarge says:

      Crazy Happy please keep us up to date on the “data” from your scientific study. I understand they pay for some people that will participate in medical studies.

    • Bighuged says:

      Yeah based on this group there’s a lot of women going solo on themselves. Glad you’re getting back into it second marge!

      And yeah interesting question! I know what you mean, sometimes I do that too. I’ll be watching something (nothing sexual) but at some point my hands gravitate towards my cock. Then before you know it I’m casually stroking while watching Netflix or something lol. I guess it’s just something to do. There are very rare times where I don’t finish. But usually even if I started when I wasn’t really horny I’ll go ahead and finish cause then if I don’t I’ll be thinking about sex for the rest of the day ?. Plus a good cum just feels good so when I’m half way there I might as well finish. Even now while reading MH and writing this comment I’ve been stroking myself on and off. I’ll get myself to cum here in a minute haha. But sometimes I’ll keep my semen from spurting out by pressing down on my taint. When I’m feeling lazy or don’t want a mess it’s an easy way to stop it lol.

      So for you when you’re casually playing with yourself while watching tv. Do you just play with your clit or do you do other things like play with the folds of your lips or insert fingers? Also when/if you insert fingers do you ever just leave fingers in for a while without moving around? Just like sit there with something inside your pussy just cause you like the feeling of being filled even if it’s not giving you any real pleasure?

    • alwayswet101 says:

      What a hot thread. Bighuged- your comment has me relating so well. Recently, I’ll just be watching TV, and bam, I’ve got my hands in my panties again. I’ll rub my wet clit and stroke my lips and then I usually like to feel my G-spot and clit at the same time. I prefer this, but I really love to feel full, so often times, I do insert something. Im getting very close now, but I can have multiple really strong orgasms now. Thanks for being so vivid with your comment.

  3. 1blessedman says:

    The admonition Paul offered did not specify number of encounters, so he was not referring or insinuating prostate care. While the Bible has practical advice sprinkled throughout on a myriad of topics, God's Word is primarily for reconciliation to a pure Creator. There is more than anecdotal evidence to suggest that masturbation may contribute or be a direct cause for Peyronie's Disease/Dupuytren's Contracture. Moderation and caution are good words to consider.

    • CrazyHappyLoved says:

      I agree with you, 1blessedman. Paul explicitly states the purpose for his advice to married couples that they meet each other's sexual needs: that sexual frustrations not lead to the temptation to sin. "Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control." 1 Cor. 7:5 But that doesn't negate its other positive benefits. ?

      I can't find any literature implicating masturbation itself as a cause of PD (which sometimes co-occurs with DC in the hands and may share genetic factors.) The most widely accepted cause is repeated injury with abnormal healing. One possible cause of those injuries could be "aggressive manipulation of the penis during masturbation", but so could woman-on-top positions if the angle applies too much pressure or an unnatural bend, or a miss-stroke that forcefully bangs the penis into the wife's perineum (painful for both!) It's the unusual plaque formation upon healing that defines PD (not curvature in and of itself, which can be perfectly natural), but those undergoing surgical removal of the plaque are only advised to abstain from sex or masturbation for eight weeks, not indefinitely. An advocacy group for those with the condition also doesn't advise that masturbation should be avoided, as long as it isn't painful or the penis bent too forcefully against the curvature.

    • SecondMarge says:

      Excessive Masturbation does not cause Peyronie's nor will it make you go blind. In fact, intercourse is a more likely cause. It’s an incorrect use injury usually, not an overuse injury.

      In a review of men under 40 with PD, "The onset of disease appeared to be gradual in 22 men (73%) and sudden (1–3 days) in 8(27%). Seventeen patients (57%) attributed the onset ofdisease to a specific flaccid or erect penile trauma: 15 during sexual intercourse, 1 during masturbation, and 1 following a sports-related injury."

      But caution is always advised in any activity, sport or sex.

  4. 1blessedman says:

    Many of the studies offered on this subject are anecdotal at best, since no one was there at the time/times of intense masturbation. Repeated pulling or stretching of tissue toward one side can have bending or curving affects over time. Babies bones are sometimes manipulated thusly in the feet when they are born with curved feet from being bundled for a long time. Chiropractic care can move soft tissue over time. So, whether the trauma is momentary or slightly repeated over many years, the result is similar. Trauma injuries are usually more accentuated/worse. But intense pulling of one's tissues can result in repeated injury that can add up over time. During my tenure in the OR, I have seen several of these cases and none of them are what one desires to experience in your 50's. So, again I say to the gentlemen reading, moderation and caution are words to consider as we journey along our sexual paths.

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