The Kiss

“I’ll have the banana sundae, and—‘what do you want babe?’”

“I’ll just have a cone, vanilla please.” I’ve never been a fan of ice-creams that are extremely sweet. You just can’t ever go wrong with plain old vanilla.

It’s a hot day in Orlando, about 90 degrees. We both are out on the road. We walk back to our car, and decide to finish our ice-cream there before driving back to our place. The vanilla cone is delicious.

I hear him chuckle.


“You’ve got some vanilla on your mouth.”

“Where?” I raise my hand to wipe it off, and he holds my hand down. He leans forward, looks me in the eye. After a moment, he glides his tongue over my lips. I take a deep breath, savoring this moment, his touch, feeling his lips against mine. The cool vanilla and the warmth of his lips make a heady combination. He sucks on my lower lip, and gently bites it. A soft moan escapes my lips. I feel the slightest throbbing in my pussy.

He pulls away.

“There. Fixed,” he says with a smirk.

“I should make a mess more often,” I reply.

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10 replies
  1. CMLove says:

    Love it, Blue Heavens!! Call me romantic, but i believe there’s nothing half so sweet in life as a kiss from the one your heart loves!! Thanks for the story!

  2. cameron says:

    Kisses are so sweet and powerful. Will never forget the first time Jake kisses me on the lips at our wedding. I felt like the whole world stopped lol.

    Take care.

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