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Update to Guidelines

Hi, MHers! Calvin and I want to draw your attention to a new paragraph in our Guidelines in reference to comments.  We greatly appreciate the encouragement and comradery among our commenters, but we do want to remind everyone that MarriageHeat is not a forum and isn’t meant to function as a chatroom. If comments seem to be devolving into a one-to-one conversation, we may edit them or decide not to publish them.

We don’t want to discourage honest, kind feedback to the author of a story or the sharing of (short) responses, memories, or hopes that the post inspired. But if you have a longer story to tell and it adds to the mission of MH—to build and support a culture of hot, Biblical monogamy—please submit it through the “Start a New Story” tab in the main menu.

Discussion posts, by nature, involve more back and forth. We understand that Christians want to share their thoughts and excitement, including the singles among our readers. We don’t mean to discourage discussion of the topic at hand, only the chatting more suited to an actual forum like Songs of the Believers (SotB), The Marriage Bed (TMB), and others.

Love in Christ,



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6 replies
  1. Light of Lights says:

    I have to be honest, I think it was because of me. I think I got a little too carried away, but it was because I'm a little lonely, so I decided to try and bond with the guys. It would be nice to have a place where we could chat and share ideas, news and thoughts, especially with people my age. I even love this site.

    • MarriageHeat says:

      It wasn't any one person, just a recent trend toward one-to-one back and forth convos and off-topic questions to individual commenters. There are forums for conversation between sex-positive Christians, but MarriageHeat isn't one of them.

    • Fearless Lunk says:

      Dude… you MUST join Songs of the Believer (search on Google). It’s a lot of sex-positive Christians (most are from THIS site), but great for real-time interactions, including peer-to-peer chatting. Send me a message after you arrive, I’d love to chat with you! [The approval process is manual, and can take anywhere from 2-22 days, so be patient.]

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