MarriageHeat logo, two linked wedding rings surrounded by orange flame.

Problem reaching page two (or higher) from front page.

Thank you to the MHer who let us know about this problem. If you try to navigate to page two or higher from the homepage and get the message “FacetWP was unable to auto-detect the post listing,” just refresh the page. We have to wait until Monday morning for plugin support, but we hope to have it fixed quickly.

[Edit] Apparently this is happening on caregory searches as well. Same solution, though: refresh the page.

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8 replies
  1. chiefnomad says:

    FYI, this is still happening. Refresh does bring the page up, however I have to do a refresh each time I navigate. Any ideas on what's going on? ETA to a complete fix?

    And most definitely keep up the good work.

    • MarriageHeat says:

      Thanks. Yes, they did get back to me and suggested I turn off all plugins except theirs, as there could be some conflict. As some of those are security measures, I'd rather find another solution! We'll be looking for a new plugin, as we don't have the coding skills to fix it ourselves.

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