Ignite Subcriptions Now Available!

For a few months now, we’ve been getting messages asking how to join Ignite. One interested subscriber put it this way.

I’m puzzled why you don’t have the ability to purchase a subscription available. I have tried to join for months, and yours is the only website that I’ve ever seen that does not have the ability or desire to take my money.

Here’s what happened: back in February, our card processor dropped us. They felt that the nature of our site put us in a category with other sites who experience a high risk of credit card fraud. (In reality, we didn’t have a single fraudulent charge in the year we were with them.)

So since Feb 21st, all of the people who had been in the Ignite program kept their access for free—after all, it wasn’t their fault we couldn’t process their payments. And we couldn’t accept any new subscriptions, except those we awarded to people who submitted a story during our Anything We Can Do promotion (still available until July.)

But a few days ago, we finally got approved and set up with a bank that accepted us for a “high-risk” account, albeit at a slightly higher rate than the last one. Because card information isn’t shared from one processor to the next, it means former Ignitors will have to sign up again to continue their access. And we’ve had to raise the monthly contribution level to $7 to cover the difference in costs. We hope this small increase won’t be a hindrance to you all.
Those of you who have been waiting to sign up for the longer stories, audio narrations, and downloadable compilations now can. For those of you who have supported us in the past and want to again, thank you. To everyone else, we hope you continue to be blessed by the free content, including all study and discussion posts.

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