Discussion – World Naked Gardening Day

Are you going to celebrate World Naked Gardening Day this year? First organized in 2005, World Naked Gardening Day has been an annual event on the first Saturday in May. This year it is on May 1st. What the organizers fail to realize is that this was actually organized on day 6 of creation, where God showed that His idea of “Paradise” was being with naked people in a garden! And God never changes.

Of course later on, we had to ruin it by sinning and bringing shame into the equation. But since Christ bore our shame and restored our relationship with God on the cross, we can once again be naked and unashamed. This is just a way to demonstrate that we are now free from the bondage of shame.

But it serves other purposes as well:

1. Since we were created in the image and likeness of God and our bodies reflect that image, it is an opportunity to show that image. If Heaven is seeing the face of God, then seeing others displaying that image isn’t sinful but rather a foretaste of the divine!

2. It can serve to further unhitch sexuality from nudity in our minds. For too long, we have let the pornographic mindset of “nudity equals sex” foisted upon us by the culture be the operating assumption. But it doesn’t have to be. Too often, we let the evil twins of pornography and prudery rule our thinking and teaching.

3. It is healthy for our minds and bodies. Especially after over a year of staying inside, working naked in the garden can be a boost of vitamin D and a mental health break that many of us need!  Even if you are self-conscious for the first little bit, after about 15 minutes, that’s all gone and you are able to just enjoy the time together.

So will you be celebrating the image of God and taking time to commune with the Lord naked in a garden this year? It can truly be a slice of paradise!

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6 replies
    • Tulsa says:

      Yeah! I know how that works. We tried some nudism with some friends, and my penis did not cooperate! It figured, "Oh boy! Wife is naked, I'm naked, it's time for sex!"
      The monster stood up at full attention, and started drooling!

    • Waiting Hardly says:

      After the first 10 minutes with everyone that way, you would be surprised how that seems to go away.

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