Entries by RockyGapMan

Old Dogs, New Tricks?

There’s nothing more delightful than a young, playful puppy.  The connectedness between it and its master as it learns to fetch a ball, play tug of war, or even learn a new “trick” for a bone or treat creates a special bond between the two that lasts a lifetime. It’s been said: “A dog is […]

“Sweeter with Age” (L)

It’s been nearly a year since my initial story on MH.  Because of it’s deep emotional impact and because for me vulnerability is challenging, that story was a difficult post, but  very cathartic. Since that story, I’ve wanted to write another.  Although our relationship and connection has continued to deepen and grow and we’ve had […]

“Miracle Mile”

Miracle Mile, WYOMING – August 6, 2020 “A sexual encounter with your beloved at a location named ‘Miracle Mile’ has a lot to live up to… and it did.” Background:  My wife and I are strong believers.  Our faith in Christ is what’s most important to us.  But it’s also true that God created us […]