More “Keeping It Real”

I’ve thought about writing a post like you did, Lovinghusband, on Keeping It Real but I don’t think I could match your eloquence.

So I just have a few observations that reinforce what you have already said.
We all enjoy, get hot, and learn from each others articles. My wife and I have certainly learned that there are many good Christian God-fearing married couples that, although they have been married a long time, still desire each other to the point of wanting to consume each other, molecule to molecule, and share their bodies in the wholesome plan that God has created for us.
There is something, though, that I can’t quite nail down but I know that hot sex and chemical attraction doesn’t hold a marriage together when times are rough. Hot sex can be a sign of a good marriage or it can be the only thing going between spouses. If so they will not survive the inevitable storms that will strike a marriage from time to time.

After the chemical attraction and hot sex a relationship has to move beyond this to a higher plane. We have had some hard times. the hurt so deep, so devastating, that I felt a different kind of love for my wife, a deeper, stronger, (I hurt for you and you hurt for me as I struggle for you and you for me) kind of love.
At this point in a marriage it is more meaningful to hold hands, a comforting kiss on the cheek, cuddling and crying together than hot sex. This is truly God’s gift to a marriage. The whole world might be falling down on a married couple but they have each others trust, comfort, and comradely to stand tall against whatever may befall.

Without my wife I would not have been able to weather the storms. I would have been a lonely ship with a broken mast, being tossed about in an angry ocean of a world that only showed me a passing glance. She has looked deeper inside me, cultivated my strong points, shored up my weaknesses, and shown me true love beyond sex.

Sex can be had anywhere with many possible candidates: a Godly marriage with expressive sex is on a higher plane.

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6 replies
    • smitten says:

      Thanks, hornyGG, and God bless you for understanding something that many miss. I’ve noticed that a lot of the stories in MH have brought out this understanding and it is so uplifting.

  1. Lovinghusband says:

    smitten – You hit this one out of the park! I love what you said. With the articles on this site being more focused on loving, hot, marriage sex – it is great to be reminded about balance in our lives, and the real seasons of trial that God has us pass through.

    Sometimes (if not many times) hot sex is a ‘healing suave’ in the midst of trials. Yet, your excellent points remind us that there is a broader range of intimacy that oftentimes touches us in other profound and meaningful ways.

    This echoes the teaching of Ecclesiastes 3 – that there is an appropriate time for everything under heaven. There is even a time for embracing…and a time to refrain from embracing. Thank you smitten for your encouraging contribution!

    • smitten says:

      Dear Blondie:
      Thank you so much for your confirmation of deeper bonding that comes with a Godly marriage.
      Look for a special note to you.

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