Hair Question

As I ponder the human body and discover my aesthetic likes and dislikes, I’ve come to a conclusion. I do NOT like body hair.

By this I mean that I hate it on myself and find it very unattractive on women.  For men, it depends.  I sometimes like a hairy chest, and usually hairy arms and legs.  But the smooth look is sexy too, as long as it isn’t girly.  Armpit hair is a major turn-off for me.

Now, when it comes to my own body, keeping up with all the hair is annoying to say the least.  I wish females had no hair follicles on the armpits or legs, or around the mouth. Frankly, also on the pubic area.  Yes, that’s coming from the girl who used to prefer just a trimmed bush.  Now I shave smoothly because I can FEEL so much more!

The problem is, it grows back within a day and gets scratchy and irritated.  I want to try waxing, but it can be expensive.  I’ve made my own sugar wax and de-hair’d my own face and armpits from time to time. But that entails letting the hair grow out, and in the meantime… I’m like Sasquatch.  Not very feminine or attractive!

Another trouble area is nipples.  I get very thick, wire-like hairs around my nipples.  Is that normal? Do any of you ladies have this? What do you men think of it? What are some methods the ladies here employ to remove unwanted hair, especially on legs and vulva? And what are the general thoughts on body hair from this group? I’m interested to know what people like.  Especially men. 😁

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32 replies
  1. jwdmccarty2902 says:

    Personally I prefer my wife to be hairless but her pubic area. There I like her to have a landing strip. We have a trimmer that we use together to keep it short. She doesn’t always shave the sides but I wish she did more. If her hair gets too long it honestly hurts during sex because it is prickly. For me I use a cream to remove my pubic hair. She doesn’t care one way or the other on that. She doesn’t do blow jobs so she isn’t really worried about it. It just feels amazing to me to be smooth. If I were thinner I would shave my back and chest too. Maybe in the future.

  2. Brett says:

    I don't like hair on my wife and especially like her pussy to be bald.
    She likes my hairy chest and legs however, I do shave my legs sometimes for cycling which my wife doesnt like. I keep my public hair tidy.

  3. KingdomMan says:

    In my experience at least, I think having body/facial hair is somewhat normal. And you’re right, it can be a pain to deal with.
    As for my personal preference, I prefer completely smooth, especially legs and vulva. Soft, silky legs are very feminine and attractive. A smooth vulva also very feminine, and for lack of a better way to put it, it makes her more naked.

  4. Faith-Manages says:

    Hmmm that's a tricky one for me. I'm naturally pretty hairy as are all the men in my family, but if I didn't know that women shave their legs I think I'd just assume that they were hairless everywhere but the top of their heads! So I guess I've come to equate body hair with masculinity and upkeep and grooming with femininity, for better or worse. Manscaping is a strange word but I do practice it as far as pubic hair goes; I've far too much hair everywhere else to try to tame it, so have never considered my armpit hair before–you've given me something to ponder.

    I guess I don't know what I'd consider to be an unfair double standard on this count, because I'm used to seeing women hairless in a number of places that I didn't even know they had to deal with hair removal…nipples, really??? I do have rather thick long hair around my nipples so I can sympathize. For some of the other areas, I wonder how much necessitates shaving vs. just going ahead and getting laser hair removal. I don't know if shaving actually makes the hairs grow thicker the next time but that was the rumor when I hit puberty so all the boys were shaving their faces long before their beards actually grew in. That does kind of worry me with women because shaving certain areas of the body do just automatically seem masculine but I moustache you further questions on that score. 😉

    As far as pubic hair I don't think I'd like to go down on my hypothetical wife if she had a big hairy bush but I also wouldn't expect her to keep it perfectly shaved either, trimmed is probably enough as far as I'm concerned. I think this is another area where porn usage is harmful because now so many men expect to see all women with shaved pussies and it seems unnecessarily demanding. Good on you for going smooth down there, because you're doing it for the right reasons (sensitivity) and not to appease a hypothetical man. And I'm happy that you've tried sugaring, I heard about this recently and if it's less painful than waxing then I hope it catches on.

    I would think that laser hair removal is the only way to really address body hair issues permanently but also I think that's a tricky issue to bring up and should have far more to do with what will help you gain more confidence than in appeasing some hypothetical man. When it comes down to actually being married, then by all means if there are gentle and loving conversations about grooming and attractiveness, defer to the preferences of your spouse. I just hope that before that point there is some Grace as far as that goes because I did just recently learn how unattractive women consider long toenails…

    • LovelyLonelyLady says:

      Loved the pun! 😅

      Yeah, I'm no longer a fan of having a bush. Over time I realized that I could sense so much more stimulation when it's hair-free, so I now shave it about every day, though I might skip a day if I'm feeling lazy. 🤪

      I have looked into all the hair removal methods, and most seem to be either really expensive or have bad side effects. Laser has both good and bad reviews, so I'm just not sure. I actually bought my own personal device that uses a flashing light to burn the follicles, but even after months of use, it did nothing. I can't blame the device, though, because it may be that with my hormones imbalances I've got crazy hair growth.

      Being hairy on a guy is good with me, though I repeat that I don't like hairy armpits. I've seen that on a few guys and it just looks too much like big plants sprouting from their pits. 🫢 I like the manscaping! Personally, I'd want to see my future husband's package in all its smooth, veiny glory.

      Um, yeah, about toenails…maybe it's not all women, but at least I and my sisters are very picky about feet and toes, on both male and female, and long nails are just not attractive. I'm not a foot person at all, unless someone has very nice arched and proportional feet, without weird toe lengths or untended nails. Of course, I don't blame someone for the way they're made (I myself have flat feet that are always reddish-yellow on the soles, plus in-grown toenails from picking them short as a kid), but I don't care to look at them. Just a silly preference, I guess!

    • Faith-Manages says:

      OK just for you I am experimenting with trimming my armpit hairs, though that's one of the areas that I really have no preference for or against on women. I've just gotten used to wearing socks a lot so I don't get the foot hangups either; that's one of those things where I've read that men willing to give their wives foot massages are automatically better husbands.

      HYPOTHETICALLY, let's say you met the most amazing guy BUT he put his foot down on armpit hair or foot care…would either be absolute dealbreakers?

      Or suppose he would be willing to do one and not the other, which would you choose? Or could you?

    • LovelyLonelyLady says:

      No, I don't think those would be deal breakers. If the guy checked off every one of my major boxes, I could overlook aesthetic issues like that. As to picking one over the other…hmm. I would probably prefer he kept his feet cared for over shaving his armpits. Poorly-managed toenails are just kind of gross to me. It's helpful to me to have these questions asked though, because I want to make sure I'm not being ridiculously set in my preferences.

  5. SophTea says:

    I do not face much in the way of body hair, spare for in my private areas. I do keep it trimmed, or shaved fully, as my Sir compliments either of those. It is not much labour to do so and I would happily oblige for him, and for my own comfort which aligns with his.

    On him, I have no particular preference. He is a hairy man, especially on the chest and abdomen, but he keeps VERY clean and hygienic, so it feels wonderful and so manly!

    Do whatever you feel is most healthy and hygienic first – whether you have hair there or not, cleanliness matters most both for yourself and your future husband during intimacy!

    • LovelyLonelyLady says:

      So true! I'm turned off by bad smells or dirty-feeling skin, so I try to watch for that on myself. The vulva is its own challenge to keep clean and fresh!

  6. IsoHorny says:

    In a previous premarital sinful relationship, I was with a woman who had a few hairs around her nipples. She was initially hairy down below but began to trim it up and shave it after I we were first together. It wasn't anything that bothered me. Once the clothes flew off, I was well beyond all that and she was very fit and attractive. I actually enjoyed running my fingers through her hair above her pussy while going down on her. The hair on the sides wasn't all that desirable. It would get in the way.

    My wife keeps her pussy mostly smooth and hairless. She doesn't like doing it when she has prickly cucumber legs.

    I would enjoy picking her no matter what. She's very pleasant in bed and I love it.

  7. She Calls Me Mister says:

    Unfortunately, my wife & I differ on this. She shaves everything, but her pussy. At times, she has gone without hair down there. I have shaved her pubes a few times, too. But, now, for a few years, she has given up. She will shave legs & arm pits everyday. But, doesn't touch the bush.

    I'd prefer she went bald as can be. I love seeing labia, her slit, in all its naked glory. However, I like hair, too. As long as I can see what I'm working with & my body parts don't have to fight their way through the Congo, I am as happy as I can be. But, that's my preference. I can finger, lick, & fuck with any amount of hair, & still cum back for more. Happily.

    I kinda wish we'd be less hair phobic. I think we'd be fine with hair if no one ever shaved it off to begin with. I kinda feel bad that women shave when God created us with it. But, God also had laws about grooming, so to each their own. My wife loves my chest hair & adamantly says to never shave it. I shave my face. I also trim my pubes when they get too long & get to be a pain.

    Great questions.

    • LovelyLonelyLady says:

      Social customs influence us so much! I've said at times that I would like to just throw in the towel and never shave anything again (what a time-saver that would be!), but I just can't make myself like the look when every girl and woman around me has smooth, tanned legs and bikini area. I know I shouldn't be comparing myself to others, but it's sure hard not to!

      I like your "fight their way through the Congo" description! Funny!

  8. So much fun says:

    Have you considered saving up for laser removal, I understand that while expensive, it’s once and done permanently. Some things, while expensive, are worth the cost. If you can’t afford all of it you could chose what’s most important to you.

    • musicmaker86 says:

      I have undergone laser hair removal and I do not advise it. Despite how it is advertised, it is not in fact permanent. It may reduce hair growth over time and multiple treatments, but it will require followup treatments to maintain it. It's very expensive and not nearly as painless as they say it is.

      I spend a few thousand trying to have my back and chest lasered and even after the prescribed number of treatments, the hair still grew back and continues to do so. I'll never do it again.

  9. texasman76 says:

    I love her pussy hair. No leg or pit hair though. I am a very hairy guy and she likes that. It's masculine and one of the God given differences between men and women.

    • LovelyLonelyLady says:

      Agreed! I recently saw an old movie with William Holden, and boy could he rock the hairy chest and arms! But on certain men, a smooth look is nice too, at least to showcase chiseled pecs and abs and v-line (in my personal opinion!).

  10. sarah k says:

    I loathe the bare look – to me, it's unnatural for a adult to look like a little girl.
    I love how pubic hair looks through a girl's semitransparent knickers. (Hubby likes it too.)

    Also pubic hair does have a sexual purpose, acts as a lubricant between your bodies.

    Also hair traps pheromones, and that can have the effect of making one hornier and more easily sexually aroused. A few women I suggested it to found it worked.

    • LovelyLonelyLady says:

      I've heard others say the same thing about the "little girl" look, which I totally get. There is something womanly about developing hair in certain areas.
      However, with my hair being so thick and scratchy, it's just unenjoyable in all areas. I don't know how good it would feel scraping along my future husband's body. 🤪 So I like being smooth. Achieving that is the struggle!

    • Possibility says:

      I love natural pubic hair on a vulver. To me it makes the women look mature and more womanly rather than girlish. I find it erotic and interesting so much so it arouses me as I explore through the hair her petal-like labial lips with my fingers, cock and tongue.

  11. LonelyManofSteel says:

    I can’t speak from hands-on experience as I’m still a virgin, lol, but I think shaved, trimmed, & hairy pussy is all incredibly sexy! 😍👅 I would definitely prefer shaved/trimmed because that shows a woman’s amazing folds, but I sure understand how that can be a pain to keep up with. I don’t know much about waxing, but I’ve heard that’s preferable over shaving.

    • LovelyLonelyLady says:

      Since I have sugar-waxed my face and armpits, I can say that the results are nice (smooth skin for a week or two), but I've never had my pubic area done. I may try it.

  12. musicmaker86 says:

    I'm not against hair on women, but personally I think they look the sexiest when they have no hair from the neck down. At the very least I would prefer a well trimmed bush. I find it visually appealing, but I also just enjoy the feeling of smooth skin. Not just on a woman, but on myself as well.

    For years I've gone for regular male brazilian waxes; includes balls, shaft, perineum, anus and buttocks – though I prefer to leave the hair just above my groin on my pubic bone – I've found when I removed the hair up there the skin got too irritated. I'm a naturally hairy guy and I've always been kind of self-conscious of it. I used to do a lot more hair removal, like back, chest and legs as well. But recently I've stopped doing removal on those areas, both because it's too expensive to keep it up every month and it hurts like a bastard, lol. The brazilian area doesn't actually hurt that much at all, and it's over really quickly.

    Speaking from experience, I can definitely say that removing hair from the pelvic region makes the skin more sensitive and physical contact more pleasurable. Another added bonus is that hair tends to trap odor from sweat, so having no hair makes for a cleaner and fresher feeling down there.

    • LovelyLonelyLady says:

      I would probably try getting professionally waxed. My sister had it done before her wedding, and I think she was pleased with the results. But you're right about laser not being permanent. I've heard people say that and thus it made me hesitate. Plus I couldn't afford it anyway!

  13. ILoveMarriage says:

    I love natural. Hair on women is sexy. Even on hairy women, it doesn't look like guy hair.

    My wife is Asian, and not very hairy. She shaves her legs below her knees, under her arms, and that's it. She trimmed her bush when she was single, but grew it back before the wedding. This was 45 years ago 🙂.

    Her bush is a small triangle of long, soft, fluffy hair. It smells WONDERFUL. I love burying my face in it. When her legs are spread, it doesn't block my view or interfere with oral sex at all.

    You mention sensitivity. I have never seen my wife any way except au naturel, and wouldn't be opposed to experimenting except for waiting for it to grow out again and the prickliness. But she finds me running my fingers thru it and just barely brushing the tips of the hair very stimulating.

    The nude women in European films are almost au naturel, or have a generous landing strip. That leads me to believe it is more custom or style than sex being better when bare.

    I hope you don't do anything permanent until you get married and try it both ways. Let us know 🙂.

    PS On underarm hair: I have only seen one woman with underarm hair. It was at a nude beach. She was very beautiful — great figure, nice tits, and a natural bush, and long hair. Light-complected with dark hair that really stood out. She was playing volleyball, showing off her underarm hair. I found it very arousing. I hope my wife will grow hers out someday.

    • LovelyLonelyLady says:

      I love all these replies! It truly shows the variety of likes and dislikes across the board. I agree on not doing anything permanent before marriage, since I have no idea what my future husband will like. Still, I wish there was a way to get rid of pubic and leg hair for good. Mine is thick, wiry, and scratchy, not at all soft or sexy. Once it grows out a bit, it's a thick, itchy thatch.

  14. LovingMan says:

    We have a unique situation- as everyone does I suppose. So here goes:

    Melody has incredibly soft and nearly invisible hair on her legs. She shaves maybe twice a year. She found that shaving her pubic hair was terribly uncomfortable when the stubble grows back. She she keeps it untrimmed. Her pubic hair is very VERY soft. I don’t mind her not shaving her groin area at all. In fact it’s fun to pet her pussy hair.
    She does not like hairy chest hair on her man. I am naturally pretty smooth chested but as I’ve gotten older I get hair around my nipples that is annoying n in the way. I trim it every now n then. My pubic hair has to be kept trimmed because (this is weird) if my pubic hairs get too long they get caught in my foreskin and it hurts like crazy! Weird, I know. My wife prefers my beard to be closely shaved before we kiss and so i also shave closely before we make love. Her face is sensitive to rough stubble. Other areas of her skin get irritated too if I don’t shave closely. In fact pretty much all areas. By the way, my torso hair is pretty soft but I shave it off in the shower every now n then. Melody likes that! Hair removal chemicals have worked but really irritated my skin.

    Of course every couple has different likes.

  15. Bighuged says:

    This might change when married, but right now I think my preference would be her being shaved or waxed. I wouldn’t mind a neat little bush too, but my thought is that the her pussy would be just too beautiful hide behind all a full mound of pubic hair 😂
    I want to see and drink in every inch of her mound, puffy lips, and taint. Why cover it up?

    I also personally prefer to trim around my cock for similar reasons so I often trim down next to nothing. The benefit for me is that getting rid of all that hair makes my cock look bigger 😅 which I like haha

    It’s definitely interesting to me how you’ve noticed an increase of pleasure from shaving. I guess that’s a pretty big upside to keeping up with it!

    • LovelyLonelyLady says:

      I agree on wanting to see everything without it hiding behind hair. Especially on a guy. 🤪 So I will most likely be as smooth as possible for my future husband. Yes, it does seem to allow me more stimulation, whereas hair down there dulled it.

  16. Alan Adventurous says:

    It just happens that every sexual experience I have had in my life was with somebody who was completely clean shaven. I wasn’t sure what I was in for the first time I became intimate with Kate, not knowing her culture. Korean women tend to go completely natural, and I did not know about Filipino women. I have since learned that most of the younger Filapinas shave bare, and Kate was no exception. It is a look I prefer, allowing me to visually focus on her sweet slit, but not significant to me, if she preferred otherwise. Some find it off putting, thinking of it as a “young girl” look, but no one is going to mistake this matter.

    Ironically, most Filipinas neglect their legs, although they tend to not have overpowering Sasquatch type leg hair. Kate does grow some thicker dark cares on the bottom, half of her calves. She is finally become Americanized in this regard and a little more self-conscious of that, periodically maintaining them with her razor now. She still doesn’t do anything with the vast majority of her leg hair, which is very light, soft and finer in color. It doesn’t bother me in any way.

    I personally shave my under arms and my torso. I keep my pubic hair, trimmed down with a hair and beard trimmer. Kate likes this, but she hated it once when I really made an effort to shave clean.

    We both have some coarser hairs around our assholes. Yet, even as serious rimming enthusiasts, we haven’t found them to be problematic at all. Of course, we tend to focus on deep tonguing within much more than surface level licking.

  17. PatientPassion says:

    Here's a single man's perspective. For hair around the genitals, I think I prefer nearly trimmed, but not shaved, both for myself and my future wife. But I'm willing to experiment (on her body and mine) with everything from full bush to waxed clean! I'm pretty negative on permanent body modifications in general, so I would strongly prefer neither of us take any of those options.

    As for hair around the rest of the body, I haven't thought about it much. The cultural expectation for women seems to be that they should shave places like legs and armpits, but honestly I don't think I'd mind hair either of those places. As long as she doesn't have a whole shrubbery sprouting from under her arms, haha! I think on a couple of occasions I've happened to notice hair other places on girls, like forearms, upper lip, etc. It was intriguing on the forearms, maybe even attractive, perhaps because it seemed more natural (which I value) and went against the cultural norm that I think can be unnecessary and a bit toxic at times. As for the upper lip, I honestly don't think I'd mind, as long as it's not something she's insecure about, and it's just a little peach fuzz. If she's got a visible mustache… yeah, should probably take that off! xD

    So in general, my preferences are probably more lax than average on body hair. I did think of one exception though: I'm really hot for the idea of my future wife's smooth-waxed butt. The thought of a smooth and shapely ass drives me wild. But then the question becomes: where do you stop? Do you have to keep the rest of the legs smooth too, to prevent a weird line between smooth and hairy areas? I guess I'll have to work with my future wife on that one and find a mutually-acceptable solution that's maintainable long-term. I wouldn't be too disappointed if she preferred to leave it natural either.

    For the most part, I'd say just take care of yourself, but don't put unreasonable effort or expense into it. Focus on getting the biggest bang for your buck, in terms of monetary cost and time/attention cost.

    To use my own example, at one point I actually used tweezers to pluck hair from around the base of my penis and from my whole sack. Similar to waxing, I guess, just one or two hairs at a time instead. It was a little painful at first, but that ended up becoming a non-issue as I got used to it. While I did like that clean and smooth feel, I eventually I decided it took too much time to maintain, plus it was hurting my neck from looking down for so long! xD I didn't time it, but it was probably taking like 30m twice a week, and that just wasn't worth it to me. Not for myself, at least. I would definitely do it again on occasion if my future wife liked it. (I do keep up this practice for stray hairs and the few thicker ones I occasionally get around my nipples, but that's it.) As an easier solution, I settled on using a simple electric hair trimmer with about a 1-inch cutting width so it was small enough for maneuvering in sensitive areas, with a length guard set for 5mm (a little less than 1/4 of an inch). Using that for less than 5 minutes once a week, I can keep everything very well tamed, above my shaft, on my balls and in the perineum and butt crack areas. That keeps the hair short enough to feel clean and neat, and it only needs maintenance once a week, but the hair is still long enough that I don't have any issues with it being so short it's pokey, nor with irritation as it grows back out. It's a great balance, and I love it!

  18. So much fun says:

    I love the look of a bare pussy; however, having said that, my wife has the most beautiful soft light honey colored hair. It’s just that it hides paradise in the bushes.🤤

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