Remembering Young Love

I walked into the kitchen and flicked on the kettle. I was dying for a nice cup of earl grey tea. I’d had a half day at work and had not long been home when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

“I wonder who that could be? I didn’t buy anything online, so it can’t be the delivery guy,” I thought to myself.

Quickly grabbing my hoodie from the lounge, I pulled it over my torso, since I wasn’t wearing a bra. I tend to do that when I’m home alone.

I opened the door to see Mrs. Walters, the elderly lady who lived in the flat next door. She stood there with her woolen cardigan, her cute little orthopedic shoes, and her elegant glasses. A very sweet old woman she is. She was well into her 80’s, yet she could get around like a 50-year-old.

“Mrs. Walters! Please, come in. It’s a bit chilly out here!” I exclaimed, ushering her through the door.

“Thank you, lovey,” she said in her perfect Aussie accent. “I saw your car pull up in the driveway and thought I’d pop over to have a chat with you, deary.”

“Mrs. Walters, you know you’re always welcome.”

Mrs. Walters and I have shared a few pots of tea over the time we’ve rented here. She had lost her husband of 50-plus years not long before we moved in.

I invited her to take a seat on the lounge. I poured some tea in my pretty Royal Doulton, an engagement present. I only ever used them on special occasions, and Mrs. Walters was not exempt.

After our quick formalities, she said, “My son has been in the process of changing the air vents throughout the house, and my room doesn’t get the heat it needs.” She put her cup into the saucer. “So I’ve been sleeping in the spare room just until he fixes it this afternoon.”

I smiled but wondered where she was going with this.

“So last night I was laying in the spare bed, all tucked in, but I couldn’t sleep.”

I gave her a concerned look. “Why is that, Mrs. Walters? Was something keeping you up?”

She gave a small smirk. “Well… I heard a lot of… noise, as you might call it, coming from the neighbours’ house. You see, my spare room is on the east side of the house.”

She turned to me and said, “The noise stopped at around midnight last night.”

In my head, I calculated where her spare room was. If it’s there, then that must mean it’s directly across from… oh, crap.

I could feel my face turning red as the events from last night began flooding back. I looked up at Mrs. Walters, who was still grinning.

“Mrs. Walters… I, err… I am so terribly sorry!”

Last night my beloved and I had some wild sex. I had hickeys on my breasts, and he had scratch marks all over his back. And I had also squirted quite a bit, so the bed was a mess afterwards. I was planning to fix that before the knock at the door.

I don’t know how many times I swore last night. I imagined poor Mrs. Walters hearing me scream “YESSS, BABY! FUCK ME!” and I cringed. If Mrs. Walters hadn’t already known my husband’s name, she would’ve by this morning.

“Oh darlin’, I’m not here to scold you or your lovely husband.” She put her cup down on the coffee table in front of her.

“It reminded me of when I was your age. Me and my Rupert, well, we’d go at it like two little rabbits. Of course, we lived on a farm outside of town. No one around there,” she chuckled.

My eyebrows went up. It’s not every day you hear your elderly neighbour talking to you about her sex life. I knew she and her husband lived out in the country. The great southern land, we called it down here in Aus.

“Before you moved in,” she continued, “The couple before you would fight and argue so much, even in front of their poor children. There was never a day without yelling and scolding.”

This made my heart sink. I can’t imagine ever being like that with my husband, especially if we had children.

“So I just wanted to say that whatever went on last night, was a lot nicer to hear than the yelling of that couple. It made me remember my young love.” She looked at me again. “And from what I heard, he must’ve done a bloody good job, eh?”

I blushed a little. Yes, he had done a very good job!

“Me and Rupert, as we got older, you see, we couldn’t do the many things we used to do back in the day. Poor Rupert thought he’d break his hip! But he’d always say to me…” Mrs. Walters paused and cleared her throat.

“‘Darlin, it don’t matter if we do it or we don’t. We had our fun, and I thank the Good Lord for it. But a quick kiss and a cuddle are just as satisfying to me now as if we were young again!'”

I couldn’t help but get a little misty-eyed hearing that. Oh, how she must’ve loved him.

She stood up. “Well, lovey, best get back to let my son in. He forgot his spare key with me yesterday.”

“Mrs. Walters, I can’t say how sorry I am for last night. I promise it won’t happen again. And I do hope your heater gets fixed.”

“Oh, darlin’, there’s no need to apologise! I will be staying in the room one more night. But don’t let anything get between you both! I don’t want to hear any fighting!”

With a quick wink, she was out the door and disappeared to her house.

My husband came home later that afternoon, and I explained my encounter with Mrs. Walters. He felt just as embarrassed as I did.

“I love you, baby,” he softly said as he held me. “I agree with Mrs. Walters. I’d rather the neighbours hear us… you know… than us fighting.”

I planted a wet kiss on him. “I pray that when we’re as old as Mrs. Walters and we can’t do it much anymore, we’ll still be happy in love with one another.”

He kissed my nose. “Yeah, we’ll remember all the times we did it in this house. The times when we did it on the floor, on the table…” He leaned in and whispered in my ear, “The time we had to be quiet while I fucked you in the shower…”

I pulled back and asked, “Uh, when did we have to be quiet in the shower?!”

He grabbed my hand and pulled me in the direction of our bathroom. “Like, right now!”

I love him so much! I truly thank God for him every day.

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5 replies
  1. Old Lover says:

    What a well-written, sweet story of young love relished and never forgotten! There are so many aspects of your story, WildThing, that underscore the beauty, wonder, and preciousness of Christian married love. Oh, how I love to hear my Anne cry out in wild abandon as she experiences her waves of orgasmic bliss. Those days are less frequent as we approach our 70th year and 45 years of unity in soul, spirit, and body. These days, mad passionate love is often replaced with tender cuddling, our hands lightly and gently touching those areas of our bodies reserved for just the two of us. Our whispers of love – some poetic and others quite randy – produce smiles and hugs and words of endearment that evoke physical and emotional responses of sheer joy and happiness.

    All of us should remember Mrs. Walter’s admonition to never let cross words come between ourselves and our loving spouse, only loving words and plaintive words begging for and expressing our love should pass our lips.

    • WildThing says:

      How beautiful Old Lover, congrats on your marriage. I find it so lovely you two still share intimate moments together. Although my story was fiction, i can only pray my future marriage will be like this, and especially as special as yours x

  2. FantasticSex says:

    My gorgeous wife and I have been married 26 years. We have an extraordinary marriage and a better sex life than any couple I know. It is never our intent to perform for others to notice, and we certainly value privacy; nevertheless, our passions can at times cause us to be less careful. Whether it is because we are noticed as we steal away into a private room during a party, or we are a little to loud when we have house guests or on vacation, we have had younger couples approach us for help on achieving what they see as an inspiring sex life.

    Whether you are young and inspiring older people, or older and inspiring younger people, it is nice that Christians are becoming examples of what a wonderful sex life can actually be. So often great sex is portrayed by the world as only happening outside the bounds of marriage, and certainly not between Christians. The world should not be the example. We should not allow the world to define what our creator so clearly established as an exhilarating bonding event.

    Thank you WildThing for being an example of how married sex can be a holy adventure, full of passion, spirited in nature, and inspiring to those who by mere proximity find themselves within earshot.

    • WildThing says:

      hello Fantasticsex, like i said before, even though my story was fiction i can only pray my marriage and of course my sex life with my hubby will be as alive as the day we marry, i pray y'all have many more years of happiness ?

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