? Mistletoe

? Ignite Audio Playlist

It was the morning of Christmas, way too early for our six- and four-year-old daughters to wake up. I was feeling blissful, and my husband was too, in a different way. I moved against him, trying to climb out of his arms without waking him up. My husband is a night owl; he had come to bed late after playing the new COD map and probably needed more sleep.

Somehow freeing myself, I dressed in a pair of tights and sports bra and went to work out for a bit before heading to the kitchen. I was hoping he’d join me there because the two of us have had great times cooking together.

By the time I had completed my workout, I was totally torn up and drenched with sweat.  I heard the door close and my husband approach.

“How long have you been there?” I asked, leaning my dripping forehead against his abs.

“Not long… Long!” he answered, running a hand through my hair.

“Merry Christmas,” I murmured, kissing him lightly just above the waist of his boxers.

“Merry Christmas to you too!” he said in his strong Boston accent. When he bent down to give me a kiss, he turned the intensity all the way up.

I stopped him. “No! Jim!”

“What’s wrong?” he asked, helping me up.

“I am all sweaty, and the kids might wake up. We have to make brekky too!” I said.

“I don’t see any problem; they can wait for twenty minutes,” Jim said.

“I’m sweaty!!” I complained again.

“Either way, you will be by the end of it, ” he replied, giving me a boyish smile.

I couldn’t help it; I jumped at him. As I kissed him, he started to lower me to the ground but then had second thoughts.

“Not on the floor,” he said. He lifted me and placed me on top of my dressing cupboard in the walk-in closet. Soon he had worked my tights down my legs, and my bra came off easily. I got him out of his t-shirt and slid his boxers down with my feet.

Without missing a beat, he entered me. It had to be quick; we tried to go as fast as possible and still stay silent. He kissed me just as I was about to moan, muzzling my slight whimpers. I felt him all inside me, like fireworks. Every time we have sex is like the first time for me.

“Baby! I’m…” I said as he thrust in and out, making it hard to speak comprehensibly. “I’m… I am going to cu—” Before I could complete the sentence, I orgasmed, throwing my head back. At the same time, I felt his cum erupt, hot inside me.

Once we were done, he pulled up his boxers and helped me slip on a bathing robe.

“Shower?” I asked.

“Not yet; I hear one of the girls. I’ll shower later,” he said, absent-mindedly selecting clothes for me.

“Come here,” I said and kissed him one last time before heading to the bathroom.

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4 replies
  1. LovingMan says:

    Sweet story! I loved it! And you two obviously love each other too! The sex was so spontaneous… as was the setting!
    “ I felt him all inside me, like fireworks. Every time we have sex is like the first time for me.” (What a great description and observation!)

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