Ron and Anne 2.0: Engaged

You might like to read the prequel to this story,  Anne meets Ron.

Anne sat in class, twisting her engagement ring on her left hand. The professor droned on, but she was no longer interested. The semester would end in a couple of weeks; then, she would have her degree and be free from school for good. Ron still had a year of graduate school left, but he was taking a year off before he got his doctorate so they could be married.

His parents had wanted him to wait for marriage until he finished school instead of postponing his degree, but being a young couple, they just couldn’t. They were Christians and were committed to waiting for sex until they were married. This last month of engagement was difficult enough. Another full year just wouldn’t have worked.

The professor finished his lecture, and Ann and her classmates packed up their books. She was glad graduating seniors didn’t have to take finals. Her lack of attention in all her classes since Ron asked her to marry him would have guaranteed poor grades. She noticed a couple of girls glance at her engagement ring with envy as they passed her desk. It made her smile with pride in the guy she was getting.

After class, she headed over to Ron’s apartment to wait for him to get home from work. In the empty apartment, she noticed a basket of clean laundry next to his bed. (In a few months, it would be THEIR bed.) She sat on the edge of the bed and absent-mindedly began to fold his clothes. She picked up his Jockey shorts. She was surprised at how naughty holding and folding them seemed. Anne had folded her brother’s wash, but somehow this was different. When she heard the key in the front door lock, she guiltily put the Jockeys with the other folded laundry.

Ron came into the bedroom to find Anne beside the folded clothes. The fact that she had folded his clothes without being asked made him even more aware of what a wonderful girl he was getting. Taking her hands, he pulled her off the bed to wrap his arms around her and give her one of those kisses intended to let her know how much he loved her. And Anne returned it with just as much enthusiasm.

When they came up for air, she continued to hold him, pressing her breasts against his chest and her pussy against the growing bulge in his pants. She liked to feel the effect she had on him. It had happened a lot since they met the previous fall, and it was even more common after their engagement.

They were scheduled for a date that night, so Ron went to clean up. Anne liked picturing him in the shower. Maybe they would shower together after they got married. When he finished, it was her turn. She was going to wear the same clothes she’d worn to class but wanted to shower so she would feel clean.

She left the bathroom door slightly open. She knew Ron probably wouldn’t look, but knowing that he could was a turn-on for her. The old shower head made the water come out in a single stream, making it difficult to get wet all over. As Anne turned to and fro, the stream of water suddenly hit her in a very interesting place. While she soaped up, she kept moving to where the water flow repeatedly hit her clitoris. Images of Ron naked in the shower combined with the warm stream hitting her clitoris gave her wonderful feelings.

Ron knocked on the bathroom door and pushed the door a little wider, confident that the shower curtain hid her from view. “How much longer are you going to be? We don’t want to be late,” he asked through the door opening. She unnecessarily pulled the curtain partially aside to respond that she needed another minute or two. In doing so, she “accidentally” exposed her breast. She couldn’t help smiling at his trying and failing to talk to her without looking. Finally, he pulled the door closed. Maybe it was her imagination, but he seemed to do it regretfully.

Having him see her breast did nothing to diminish Anne’s level of arousal. She stepped back into the stream of water to finish rinsing off. It again hit her clitoris. This time she just stood there, gently moving back and forth and letting the pressure give her swollen pussy lips a water massage. Her “minute or two” turned into quite a bit longer as she felt herself build to climax. Then it happened. She had to catch the soap dish to keep from falling as she began to pulsate with orgasm.

With her final contraction, she stepped out of the shower stream. Her clitoris had become too sensitive. As she stood catching her breath and enjoying the afterglow, there was another knock at the door. Without opening the door this time, Ron called out, “Are you coming?”

“Right now,” Anne answered truthfully. Then she smiled to herself; in fact, she had already cum.

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5 replies
  1. AdventureLuvingCpl says:

    Anticipation and desire during engagement produced some of our greatest memories! We still talk about and relive those amazing times 42 years later. We were only engaged for 6 months, and barely made it through that, but sometimes wish we could have enjoyed being on the cusp of marriage with its anticipation and exploration of passion for longer. This is our first post on MH, but it has been a wonderful addition to our marriage journey. We enjoy the stories, responses, and thoughtful discussions. Looking for the time to write up and share some of our stories.

  2. sarah k says:

    This is a wholesome Christian dating story that would be of benefit for all interested in dating to read.
    Having Ann masturbating in the shower sets a good example of right behavour for a sexually aroused single Christian to maintain her sexual purity.

    Frankie, my compliments.

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