Our Last Night of Vacation

The lamp steals the shadows from your naked body as I open my eyes to find you tenderly, lovingly, looking at me.  You are so willing to focus on my pleasure.  Like the sunset over the Pacific Ocean, your soft, delicious breasts lure my gaze. I am drawn to you. I look at your bare, beautiful form.  It makes me want you profusely.  I want to pour all my love into you so that it fills you up until you are shining with the energy.

Lying with my back against the soft, fur rug, I tell you to get on top of me. I can feel the ecstasy of your body enveloping mine deeply.  It begins with pure physical pleasure, both of us caught up in the bliss.  Then I put my hands on your hips, and I feel your skin, warm and smooth, under my palms.  I watch your body rise and fall.

The closeness of this past week bubbles over, and I can’t hold it in any longer.  I can’t contain my love for you, and it explodes through my lips as I pull you down on top of me.  How much I love you.  How much passion I have inside for you.  I love you so much.  This fuels my desire to be closer to you.  I want to hold you, to protect you, to care for you, to bring you happiness.

Every emotion I feel overflows, and I want to share them with you.  I want you to resonate with the sound of my passion, the overwhelming emotion I feel when I look at you, when I touch you—a pure, honest note, seeping out of my body and drawn into yours.

What have I done to deserve a woman so beautiful, so caring, and kind as you?

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4 replies
  1. QueenandHubbie says:

    Hubbie here: Nice post, TheCrow32 (C32), and thanks for it. A short, quick view inside the intense emotions that great sex unleashes. I feel the same about Queen every time we are passionate, and this is part of the power of sex that I believe God created, and intended to be held in the crucible of marriage, specifically for its power and protection.

    Well done. please write more.

    Blessings and passion.

  2. LovingMan says:

    This is beautiful poetry! I feel the same way about my wife. Your poem captures my feelings perfectly!

    I especially like the ending. I ask myself the same question daily:

    “What have I done to deserve a woman so beautiful, so caring, and kind as you?”

    Beautiful, caring, & kind describes my wife perfectly. To me her caring and kindness enhance her beauty by an order of magnitude! Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. And a kind nature is so important. And I would say that you could add to that last descriptive line “passionate.”

    In fact, it’s clear from your poem that your mutual passion is driven by your deep love. That is how God intends sex & lovemaking to be. Thank you for your lovely poetry!

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