Marriage Heat In Miami

In the late Summer of 1985, after enjoying Hawaii for half the Summer, my husband and I went to Miami. It was a wonderful Summer, and then our family members were gradually disbanding as we were so while some families stayed some more, we flew to Miami for a romantic vacation.

After a morning at the beach, we decided to be out for the whole day. I wore a spaghetti strap summer dress (and no panties), looking girly and feminine and my husband wore jeans and a tee and looked so sexy. My husband kept catching glimpses of me in that cream-colored dress.

“You look very sexy.” Whispered my husband.

“So do you, my spunky husband.” I flirted.

We couldn’t keep our hands off each other that day. While I was looking for some gifts for my mom and sisters, my husband slipped his hands around my waist from behind and kissed my upper neck, while I put an arm around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder as we walked along the sunny beach, watching the calm sea and palm trees.

We had a romantic candle-light dinner in an Italian restaurant (my husband’s idea, he’s a genius) and we walked back to our hotel and we both knew what we wanted to do and waited all day to do it.

Back at our room, we got ready for “bed”, and as I walked to our bed, I turned around to see my sexy husband was shirtless. Aroused, I pulled down a strap of my dress and climbed out of it and onto our bed. I heard the fly on my husband’s pants coming undone, and I gently lay my head on our soft pillow anticipating him coming to me as I spread my legs.

My sweet, darling husband climbed over me and caressed my hair as he entered his most intimate area into mine. I wrapped my arms around him, delighting in our beautiful kisses and I caressed his neck and head with my fingers while kissing his cheek and near his ear. My husband thrust passionately, tenderly holding me close to him as if never wanting to let me go, while I held him close to me, feeling so loved in his strong, manly arms, while planting gentle kisses on my face.

My husband cupped my face and I held his hand, kissed it lovingly and moved up his arm before he wrapped it around my neck and I caressed those sexy biceps and broad shoulders of his.

My precious husband nuzzled me before lightly kissing me on the mouth again. He did his little figure 8s in my ladyplace, intensifying the pleasurable sensations and then I had a throbbing, intense orgasm, tilting my head back as I cried out. My husband held me close to his heart and kept at his thrusts before letting out a loud, trembling orgasmic grunt himself.

We felt so blissful when we came down from our intense orgasms. My husband kissed my neck while tenderly cupping my face. He gently lay his head on my chest with his arms wrapped around me. I caressed him for a brief moment as I lay in bliss, then kissed his head before we fell asleep.

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9 replies
  1. Lovinghusband says:

    Harper, when I meet you and your husband in heaven – I will have my curiosity satisfied. It has nothing to do with sex – but how you two were able to afford so much travel – half the summer in Hawaii at age 25. I'm only half joking.

    I enjoyed the raw passion in this story. I always react to the word "thrust" – unless it is about a rocket.

    As a man, I also enjoy reading about a wife "spreading her legs". He entered you rather quickly – so you were both heated up. The gentle kisses combined with figure 8's – a huge turn on. Then, the description of both of your orgasms – has me looking forward to 4 hours from now! It is 6pm here now – I think you figured it out ?

    Thank you for this story! Very inspired right now! God bless you both. LH

    • Harper Shelby Thornton says:

      Thank you! I don't know why but for some reason my stories are getting delayed here lately, like they're not on when they're supposed to be 😛 There was supposed to be another one here this morning. Oh well, these things happen.

      Miami was lovely as was Hawaii, and it was a good idea for "The Golden Girls" to be set there (I watched that show all the time!). I hope you have hot, sexy night with your wife, my brother! I'm glad I can inspire. God bless you too 😀

    • Harper Shelby Thornton says:

      By the way, if you remember my story "Summer Lovin' " my entire family bought a Summer house in Hawaii in 1971 when I was 10, and where we'd all go for the Summer. At the time of this story, I was actually 24, my husband was 26.

      Also, remember how we were singers in our youth? We are not like, REALLY rich or anything but we made money from our music so we were able to travel and we often had to anyway. God bless!

    • Lovinghusband says:

      Harper, thank you for striking an excellent balance of satisfying my curiosity – while still maintaining anonymity. God bless you. LH

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