Entries by beautifulcreature

The Gift of Each Other

Holiday seasons can sure play havoc with a couple’s love life. Not only is it the hustle and bustle; it also is the jostling by the crowds. The programs, the services, the parties, the decorations, the trees, the baked goods… They’re all important, mind you, but sometimes it just gets to be so much. The […]


It was the type of week that depletes the spirit. It had not been a good week in any way, shape or form. It was my longest business trip of the year and one I always dreaded. This journey started with a missed flight on Sunday afternoon and it went downhill from there. Five cities in […]

The Dream

I was falling. I screamed for help but the people who were watching me did nothing. They acted like I didn’t exist. It turned all dark and became silent. Then I woke up. My heart was pounding and I was shaking. I had only been asleep for five minutes that night and yet, the nightmare had come quickly. […]

The Kiss

I have kissed my beloved Maggie just about everywhere … except in one special place. Talking locations here, not parts of the anatomy. There has never been a day since we first became “serious” daters and then married, that I have never kissed Mags. It may be a quick kiss on the lips for a […]

The Rain

I met her in the rain. I was just out of college, first job in the city when a late autumn surprise downpour sent me scurrying under a business awning that late aftenoon. As I ran for cover, I found her already standing there; trying to shake the water out of her beautiful curly red hair. We were […]

The Center

I hated these things. Absolutely, unconditionally, thoroughly hated them. But here I was again. I walked quickly towards the front door of the hotel ballroom. I took one more peek in a hallway mirror to make sure the tuxedo and bow tie were aligned properly. Somehow, I could never get it completely right. It was the […]

The Anticipation

There would be no pretense this evening. No perhaps. No maybes. No let’s see what happens. No, this was going to be a night full of lovemaking. They knew it and they had waited all day for it. The anticipation began early that Saturday morning when she rolled over towards her sleeping husband. Her hand found a nice […]

Father’s Day

It was Father’s Day and I was ready to do a big-time guy thing. Nothing. Wife Tina and our two-year-old son had promised to take me out for dinner later and that was good enough for me. We would enjoy the day, we would stay home, and I would do what I wanted. Like sleeping late. Which […]

The Second Chance

He looked down at the city lights from the upper story hotel window. It sure seemed so much easier 30 years ago, he thought to himself. The nervousness kicked in once again. It was his wedding night. His second. His first wife had died five years ago after a lengthy illness. Because of her sickness, their […]

The Meeting

I hurried home that night; looking forward to what laid ahead. It had been almost three weeks since I had made love with my wife, Kelley.  Since that time, she had had her period, we both had business trips (in different directions) and of course the three kids (ages 9, 6 and 3) kept us […]

Mother’s Day Romance

Mother’s Day Romance – Stacey and I have a melded family. We both have children (her three and my two). We both come from marriages that were so broken we both vowed never to marry again. But then God brought us together and it has been the greatest blessing of all. Those of you who have […]

Saturday Chores

I love my wife, Lori, and I love to make love to her.  But today, at least for the time being, sex was the farthest thing from my mind. I know. That surprised me too. But there were household duties to be done. On this, the first really good Saturday of the spring, it was […]